About Us


Leading Institution

Multifunctional Landscapes Research Area

Stemming from our team’s cross-cutting scientific expertise—from soils and water management to landscape restoration and inclusive socio-ecological systems—our work on multifunctional landscapes contributes both to reduce the pressure of agriculture on natural ecosystems and to introduce better management practices for natural ecosystems. All while also minimizing health risks, ensuring sustainably produced foods become part of more nutritious diets.

Implementing Partner

Climate Focus is an international advisory company committed to developing policies and projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sinks, and help us adapt to the consequences of a changing climate.

Pilot Models

Oleaginosas Amazónicas S.A.

OLAMSA is the first oil palm processing company established in Ucayali. It is an entrepreneurial society articulating the production of fresh oil-palm fruit in the national market.

Comité Central de Palmicultores de Ucayali

CONCEPU gathers oil palm producers, and it is the most emblematic organization of Ucayali. Currently, it is organized in six hubs: Las Palmeras, in Ucayali; Nuevo San Pedro; La Merced, in Neshuya; Monte de Los Olivos; La Villa; and El Maronal.

Comité Central con Desarrollo al Futuro de Curimaná

Curimaná is an organic cocoa producers’ organization gathering 226 associates, distributed across the districts of Curimaná and Nuevo Requena, in the Ucayali Region. They are committed to the recovery of the Shipibo identity and the conservation of the flora and wildlife of the lowland rainforest, developing a life change in all stakeholders through cacao beans, as the main productive wealth of the Ucayali region. 

Political partners

Other Partners

A multistakeholder platform for dialogue, engagement, and action integrated by companies, civil society, and government, which promotes the creation of partnerships to speed up the transition towards deforestation-free value chains to build sustainable territories focused on a low-emissions rural development.

A voluntary agreement among private organizations, government, and civil society, which promotes the differentiation of Peruvian cocoa, based on quality, a variety of attributes, such as origin and their restorative potential, and being a deforestation-free product.

Interview with Vicente Núñez, regional manager of economic development of the Ucayali region and Yovita Ivanova, SAB project coordinator.